For the past four years I am working in microarray data analysis, next-generation sequencing data analysis, gene network analysis and the application of machine learning approaches.
Currently my research focuses on identifying potential biomarkers in human body fluids for cancer diagnosis utilizing multiomics data with machine learning and network biology approaches.
Trainee on IPR Under Biotech Industrial Training Program sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India in conjunction with Biotech Consortium India Limited.
Worked on "Prediction of small non-coding RNA, NsiR4 target sites in the genome of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803" under Supervisor – Prof. Jogadhenu Syama Sundar Prakash at Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.
One-month training at Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory, Directorate General of Health Services, Govt. of India, Guwahati-37, Assam India. (Preliminary knowledge on chemical, instrumental and microbiological analysis of drugs).
I am currently focused on cancer biology, using various omics data and employing various data preprocessing, feature selection, statistical method and machine learning methods to identify cancer biomarkers for early diagnosis and targeted therapies. Additionally, I am passionate about understanding evolutionary principles and genetic inheritance in shaping population genetic dynamics and diversity. I am equally intrigued by the complexity of biological systems, the types of data utilized, various approaches to data integration, and the diverse range of biological problems at different levels, including issues related to system heterogeneity in terms of size and timescale.
My future goals involve interdisciplinary research to address complex biological questions, and I look forward to collaborating with fellow experts in understanding of the biological world.